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Take A Trip Back In Time

Hot weather, good people, and...airplanes? Yes, SHP went to one of the local NW Fly-Ins, today, and what a treat it was! There were many neat planes, all different from make and model or even just in their paint job, they were fascinating to look at and capture pictures of.

Although, one plane, as pictured below, was particularly interesting. It was a Experimental Japanese Training fighter plane. It has a fake bomb strapped to the underbelly of it too, to capture the old time essence of what this plane really was. It's owner (N/A) makes it one of the town treats by flying it over, in parades, and just for fun, shooting blank rounds from it's guns, making sure that he is noticed.

Polished and spiffied up the plane was ready to show at the Fly-In, really making a statement and providing fun for all! I even convinced SHP sponsor; Ericka, to take an old time photo with the plane while she was wearing her 50's vintage inspired attire! What I great day! I cannot wait for my hometown Fly-In during one of the last weekends in August!



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